The most common disease is called today, fungal infection of the feet. Pathology is not life-threatening to people, but brings a lot of unpleasant moments. In addition to the infiltration without obvious symptoms, nail fungus acts destructively on the entire immune system. Not to get into a problem situation, you need to know, than to treat it.

What is the nail fungus is
Microscopic fungal spores is a part of human life. Now, thousands of fungi studied for about 70, but the most dangerous are those that cause various diseases. Some of the most frustrating mycoses mycoses are caused by fungi red trihofiton. After the defeat of him in the body of the people toxic toxins will gather, the flow of blood in opposition to the tissues and organs by killing immunity. Medicine, there are many reasons for the nail fungus (onychomycosis) provoke, but the most important:
- Cuts, calluses, abrasions or injuries to the legs;
- Irregularity of hygiene procedures;
- the General weakness of the immunity;
- excessive sweating of the feet.
Than to cure nail fungus on the feet
The disease develops according to the same scheme: first of all, the nail rips, coarse, increases according to the thickness. The plate changes the color, with stripes, exudes an unpleasant odor. After a while, you apart begins. If the time is not caught, then the disease can go on to the nail plate in Hand. There are two types of drug therapy: external and internal. The better cure nail fungus on the feet, the doctor-dermatologist decide.
Preparations for recording
A comprehensive drug treatment of onychomycosis, preferably, start with the first Phase, if it is just the color of the nail changes. In this case, the therapy is limited to the local method: apply the ointment or cream against the fungus. The subsequent stages of nail fungus require a systemic treatment, if oral drugs. Skin doctor prescribe internal medication in the following cases:
- a large part of the nail plate is infected;
- the fungus heavily in an advanced stage;
- caused thickening or detachment of the nail;
- Fungal beaten a plurality of fingers;
- there are Diabetes mellitus;
- the age of patients over 50 years.
The choice, better than mushroom treated, the person needs to be reminded that the main contraindications for systemic treatment, pregnancy,, breast-feeding, disease of the liver. In these States, the local or national therapy is necessary. If it does not help, then instead of systemic treatment, the physician must accept the surgical removal of the infected nail.

Antifungal medicines are different to the active components and price. The best cure for the onychomycosis is a tablet, but on your selection, you note the contraindications.
Local Media
What time is the first symptoms of the onychomycosis, you need to the local treatment. Feature of the external application of antifungal drugs is, to a high concentration of the active component that kills the fungus on the surface of the nail. However, it should not be self-treated, because this sometimes leads to serious consequences.
Therapeutic Coatings
The development of the fungus breaks a special varnish, which softens the affected nail plate. Cheap price the medium penetrates into the depth of the nail, kill the fungal spores.
Creams, Sprays and ointments
For dealing with onychomycosis in General ointments, creams, and Sprays to apply. Apply 1-2 times a day. The treatment usually lasts from two months to a year, depending on the stage of the fungus.
Means for removal of the affected nail
Gel or cream nail fungus on the feet only help in the first stage of the disease. In the case of the advanced Form of onychomycosis, the doctor can surgical intervention. There are patches for the self-employed, updating of the nail in the started forms of illness. He stuck overnight, washed carefully struck of fungal nail. In the morning gently with a pair of scissors removed, together with the concerned plot of land.
How to treat nail fungus on the feet folk medicine
The prices for antifungals low, but some people prefer to get rid of mildew traditional methods:

- Of Apple cider vinegar. It is better if it is cooked at home. Well the compresses to make in the evening for 2-3 months to help. On a gauze swab applied to the vinegar, with the correct range, rewound, cling film, top with a bandage fixed.
- Liquid ammonia. Just buy at the pharmacy, then mix with water in a ratio of 200 ml 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of alcohol. Wet cloth in a solution, the wrap the affected area, from the top of the cellophane and wool socks on. You hold every night until recovery.
- Hydrogen peroxide. Steam the feet in hot water (20 minutes), then make a compress with the peroxide, cotton swab soaked on the nail is placed and cellophane wraps to 1 hour. The procedure is done 2 times a day over the course of 3-4 weeks.
Prevention of diseases
To prevent onychomycosis, you need to examine regularly your feet. Once a month, it is desirable that a full-fledged pedicure, remove cuticles and raised or ingrown nail plate. Daily, you exchange the socks made of natural fabrics. Preferably, apply a generous, comfortable shoes with a good water absorption capacity and ventilated sole.